- 生物生産機械ハンドブック、(分担)562~564、コロナ社(1996)
- 論文Ⅰ(日本学術会議登録学会誌)
1) Survey of Riding Tractor Operating Comfort in Nueva Ecija, Philippines, Japanese Society of Farm Work
Research, Vol 43-2, 67~74 (2008), M. Mitarai and 3 others.
2) Ergonomic Design of a Walking Tractor Handle, Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural
Machinery 61(2) 53-59 (1999) , SICAT, J.C.V. ,MITARAI, M. KUNITAKE, M.,NAGATA, M.
3) その他:39報(1975~2016)
- 論文Ⅱ(大学研究報告等)
1) The Effects of AITC on Weed Emergence and on the Growth and Yield of Soybean, Bulletin of the
Faculty of Agriculture, Miyazaki University Vol.44, No.1・2 115~125 (1997), MITARAI, M., SICAT, J.C.V.
2) Effect of AITC on theControl of Nematodes and its Optimum Application Method, Bulletin of the Faculty
of Agriculture, Miyazaki University Vol.44, No.1・2 35~44 (1997), MITARAI, M., SICAT, J.C.V.
3) その他:13報(1974~2005)
- その他の論文(学会支部誌等)
1) 農業機械系分野の人材養成, 農業食料工学会誌 : 73 (1) 2 (2011), 御手洗正文
2) その他:37報(1974~2011)
- 国際学会発表
1)POSTURE ANALYSIS OF FRUIT AND VEGETABLE HANDLING, Proceedings of the 7th International
Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering 81~87 (2014),
M. Mitarai and 3 others.
2)Development of Posture Analysis Software for Continuous Farm Work, Proceedings of the International
Workshop on Agricultural and Bio-systems Engineering, 188~193 (2007), M. Mitarai and 5 others.
3) その他:11報(1970~2015)